No One Is Coming to Save You

Those first years in business, when I created this business because I had bills to pay and couldn’t find a job that would meet my requirements, I let myself entertain a backup plan. I let myself try this whole business thing out while I waited for the dream job to appear. I entertained working for a big fancy museum, I built relationships with environmentally revolutionary startups, I let other opportunities distract me from the work in front of me, from the mission I am carrying out, from the vision of all I will build with this business.

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What Do You Think It Will Cost?

Our society has taught us that success will cost you.

Our society perpetuates this stereotype… thank you Elon Musk thank you Steve Jobs…. that the people who are successful do so at a great personal cost; that they sacrifice their marriages, they sacrifice being good parents, they sacrifice their friendships all on the altar of pursuing ultimate success and that if you do want to be successful it’s gonna cost you.

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Bad Business Coach Baggage

I will be the first to admit that business coaches are a dime a dozen. Poke your head into any business Facebook group or networking event and you are bound to find at least one. As soon as Google and Facebook figure out that you have a business, you’ll be constantly plagued with “buy my online program” popups. Not only are they everywhere, but coaches are also largely unregulated. Even certification programs are basically a rubber stamp that puts out cookie-cutter business advice out there (which clearly doesn’t work or there would be a much lower business failure rate). I have to admit to being highly skeptical of my own industry. So many of my clients and potential clients come to me with a bad coaching experience under their belts and leaving a bad taste in their mouths. One bad coaching experience can leave you with Bad Business Coach Baggage.

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