Launching to Crickets: Why Your Launch Failed and What to Do Now

If you are running an online business, I am willing to bet that you have had at least one launch fail. We all have. You tease it on your insta weeks in advance. You offer value and freebies in advance of your big offer. Then, with gifs of confetti in tow, you open wide the doors to your membership/course/program/app AAANNNNDDDDD….

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The Many Ways We Launch as Business Owners

Every time NASA sends up a ship, satellite, or probe, its a launch, not just their first launch back in 1958. Now sure generally the news only gets really excited when they are sending people up or headed way far out, but nevertheless, NASA is launching all the time. As business owners, we think of the very FIRST launch as our only launch but businesses are launching all the time.

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